Get the full Android experience

Pin protect

App blacklist

Notify accountability buddy

Panic button

Thrive mode

android download

Installed on 250,000+ Android devices worldwide


How do I get the full experience?

Press the download icon above and run the APK file from your downloads folder.  Enable “Install from unknown sources” if the pop up appears.

Why is this not available on the Play Store?

Due to Google’s monopolistic and anti-competitive behavior, some features are not available over Play Store.

Do I need a new account?

No, please use the Login option and it will resync your settings.

Is side-loading safe?

Yes, if you download from a reputable developer. Side-loading comes with many benefits including being able to offer features and services that go beyond Google’s monopolistic Play Store policies which aims to suffocate competition and stifle innovation.

3 day risk-free trial.

One subscription covers all your supported devices. We make it simple and straightforward.


Create an account with the Android app. Login to that same account on all your devices, no extra fee is necessary! Once subscribed, payments automatically renew until canceled by the user.

THRIVE! Be the best version of YOU.

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